What's Blocking Your Intuition?

Intuitive and psychic development is an inner process that can be affected by many things that we might not even be aware of. Everything from blocked energy to oversensitivity to too much mental busyness can make it hard to get quiet and actually listen to the little but powerful signals that your intuition uses to communicate with you.
I work with a lot of people who are intuitively and psychically gifted but they aren't reliably in-tune with their gifts. When I do a reading, it's usually pretty easy to tell what's getting in their way, but if you don't know how to attend to your own energy and understand the signals you are receiving, it can be really hard to know where to start.
Introducing the "What's Blocking Your Intuition" Self-Assessment Quiz
With all of this in mind, I am really excited to share a new tool to help you explore what's getting in the way of your psychic and intuitive gifts.
This quiz will help you identify what is getting in your way and get concrete suggestions for practices to help you move through those particular issues.

Get the Benefit of Years of Study in a Few Minutes!
This quiz has been developed based on years of experience training and reading people. I have taken what I've learned from helping my clients move past the issues getting in their way and made this tool to help other people identify what's blocking them and begin to move forward with ease.
It's a quick and easy way to kickstart your own intuitive practice

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