Introducing the 2025 Intuitive Planning Workshop

When it comes to planning, there are a lot of very detailed systems and everyone talks about clear goals and timelines. These can be really helpful, but life moves fast and we need to be flexible and sometimes we can't predict exactly how our plans will play out. And some people are just more intuitive than systematic, but that doesn't mean we don't care about results.
As an intuitive person, it can often feel like you have choose between working towards your goals and living in a flow state. I used to be obsessed with systems for planning and organizing my work and my life. I thought that by being regimented, I would get more done. I also found this to be an incredibly stressful way to live.
Then I found intuitive practice and spent a few years just following the feelings of the moment, learning to understand my inner language, and focusing on aligning with my highest purpose. This period was incredibly transformative, but it was also very disruptive for my work and routines. I was too busy following the magic of moment to get little things done.
So then I had to learn how to integrate the intuitive and more structured sides of myself. I did this by adding processes and planning techniques that would with my natural ways of operating and always letting my intuition guide my overall flow and determine what I commit to.
I am very happy I had the freedom to let my life fall apart and put it back together again, but not everyone has the time for that. That's why I've developed The Intuitive Planning Workshop to teach people what I've learned about organizing your life by intuition without having to go through all the messiness.
For the first time, this January, I am going to be teaching the techniques I've learned to help me accomplish a lot without sacrificing flow and purpose in my life.

If you find you need more fluidity, my intuitive planning and goal setting program offers a framework for directing flows towards goals rather than implementing a rigid system. This method of feeling your way is helpful for intuitive types who struggle with repetition and routine or simply like to be open to possibility.

With Intuitive Planning, do not have to know exactly where you are going to know you are on the right path. In fact sometime having too rigid ideas about where you are going and what the endpoint looks like can’t blind you to opportunities or create stress for you or take you out of the moment you are living in.
Tuning into the feeling of being centred and fulfilled rather than comparing yourself to a desired end point can also be helpful for dealing with uncertainty and things out of your control. The methods in the program show you how to find your own grounded clarity within, no matter what happens in you life and circumstances.
The 2025 Intuitive Planning Workshop is a four week workshop designed to help you make 2025 your best year.
Work with Gada Jane in a small group setting to prioritize and set goals for the new year by tapping into your intuition.
You get:
- 4 weekly group sessions of intention setting and tapping into your intuition
- Practices for setting intentions you can use over and over
- Intuitive goal-setting workbook to guide the process
- Psychic guidance from Gada for your year.
Sessions take place over zoom. There are three options for session time. You get to choose the one that works best for you.
- 7 p.m ET Tuesdays - JANUARY 7, 4, 21, 28
- 8 p.m ET Wednesdays - JANUARY 8, 15, 22, 29
- 8 p.m ET Sundays - January 5, 12, 19, 26
Can't make those times?
If you can't make any of the sessions live, choose the "replay only" option to receive the weekly videos of the exercises and follow along with your own schedule. This option includes one mini-reading from Gada.

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