Poems for your Spirit Someone asked me recently when I started writing and I said “I've written for as long as I can remember.” And then I added, "I feel a bit like my parents misled me. They told me that poetry was the most important thing and by the time
Introduction to Intuitive Practice INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL 1. What to Expect from Intuitive Practice 2. How to Use this Course 3. Course Schedule + Information 4. What You'll Need 5. Prelude: Resistance & Safety WEEK 1: PRACTICE Intro to Week 1 1. Lesson 1: Relax 2. Lesson 2: Tune In 3. Lesson 3: Notice
What to Expect from Intuitive Practice BUY THE COURSE Welcome to Intuitive Practice! This course is a guided framework to help you explore your own intuitive gifts and abilities. It’s all about getting out of your own way, connecting to your inner experience and getting to know your own intuitive process. Everyone has their own