Psychic Reading Red Flags and Other Thoughts

Psychic-Intuitive Q&A
I sometimes like go onto Quora and Reddit and answer questions that relate to the work I do. The following are three of the answers I've given recently about psychic-intuitive abilities and how to train them.
Are you born with psychic abilities or are they learned?
My Answer:
People are born with natural tendencies which can be developed and trained.
It’s like being an athlete. Some people are more athletically gifted or more suited to one sport or another. Training turns that potential into ability.
Keep in mind also that there are many different kinds of psychic gifts, just like there are many kinds of physical abilities. Fine motor control is not the same as super-fast sprinting.
When I train people, I always focus on helping the person work with their own specific gifts and inclinations.
How can you tell if a psychic reading is accurate or if the psychic is just using hot reading techniques (looking up information about the client)?
My Answer:
I know hot reading (and cold reading) is a common explanation for psychic abilities, but I’ve never heard of an actual psychic using these techniques.
I teach people to develop their psychic abilities and can tell you that this is just not the process. Imean honestly, it’s a lot more annoying and labour intensive to google people than just be a genuine psychic.
I am a professional psychic and I talk openly about my process and teach others to tune into the same kinds of information. I think for some psychics the information feels more like it just comes and they don’t want to describe the process so it can sound like they are obscuring or hiding something. That’s really just how it works for some people.
That said, even if you have a general belief in psychics, when you go to a psychic it’s a good idea to get them to talk about things you know so you can understand how they read and if it makes sense to you.
Here are some things you can do while you are speaking to a psychic to see if the them.
- Let them speak without telling them anything.
- Ask specific questions about things you know about yourself that are not online. (Do allow for them to tell you what kinds of things they can pick up on though).
- Ask about other people or situations. (They can’t Google everyone you know!)
- Ask them to describe their process to you to see if it seems legitimate.
And if you are questioning the source of someone’s information, here are some questions you can ask yourself:
- Is this information that they could find online?
- Is there anything that they could not know from the internet?
- Did they have an opportunity to google the client? (I often read people online without knowing who is coming to the live session so it would not be possible).
I can definitely understand why you might be hesitant. Even if a psychic is using a real psychic process, they might be more or less precise in their readings. And even if they are accurate it can be hard to know how to use the information or what means.
The best advice I can give is to trust what you feel about the person and find someone you can trust — which means both test and find a rapport with.

What are some red flags to look out for when dealing with fortune tellers or psychics?
My Answer:
First of all, notice how the person makes you feel. If you feel uncomfortable or unsettled by the reader themselves (as opposed to by specific information, the person gives you), then that is a good sign that this person may not be the right fit for you.
In terms of more tangible signs to look for, here’s a list:
- The reader tells you you are wrong about your experience.
- They try to upsell you on more elaborate, reading packages or curse removals.
- They are unable or unwilling to give you any insight or information that you recognize about the person or situation being read or about yourself. Giving you insight that you already know about can help you calibrate your understanding of how the person is reading so it’s helpful when a reader will do this for you.
- The reader guilt-trips, or bullies you.
- They try to lure you into more expensive packages in order to get the information you are looking for.
- They give you the information in a way that suggests that you need them or they try to create a dependency on their services.
- They discourage you from using your own intuition about the situation.
- Their information is not accurate or does not resonate with you.
- They are unbothered by giving inaccurate information.
- They are not kind in how they deal with you.
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